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PerkinElmer Flexar Quaternary LC Pump Platform270-350.0

The need for high performance and reliability are a given for labs that run samples on liquid chromatography instruments. In addition, there are increased efficiency and testing demands across all types of labs that run routine analyses. That makes the proven, rugged and reliable Flexar HPLC system the perfect choice when you need fast cycle times, reproducibility and low carryover. With its elegant streamlined interface, the Flexar LC is easy to use and simplifies your day-to-day processes so you can focus on your applications. Flexar LC provides two chromatography data system (CDS) options, the powerfully easy-to use Chromera CDS software or TotalChrom for either single workstation or enterprise-wide control and regulatory compliance.

It’s easy to design precisely the Flexar HPLC system you need for fast, sensitive performance that enables reliable, repeatable sample testing you can count on.

Flexar HPLC and UHPLC Brochure


Naturally occurring cannabinoids, the main biologically active components of the cannabis plant, form a complex group of closely related compounds, of which 70 are known and well described. Of these, the primary focus has been on Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), as the primary active ingredient, due to its pharmacological and toxicological characteristics, under which strict legal limits have been enforced. However, processing labs must also focus on Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THC-A), as it is the naturally occurring precursor to THC and is readily decarboxylated to THC via the drying and/or heating of cannabis.

THC Potency Testing

the application describes a method for the chromatographic separation and quantitative monitoring of seven primary cannabinoids, including THC and THC-A, in cannabis extracts by HPLC combined with PDA detection. This technique employs a PerkinElmer Flexar HPLC system, including a quaternary pump, autosampler with Peltier cooling, column heater and PDA (photodiode array) detector.

Cannabinoid Monitoring in Dried Cannabis Flowers

Analysis of Cannabinoids in Cannabis by HPLC with PDA detection 

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